Today pollution is a global concern, in fact schools and universities around the globe embed it as part of their curriculum, just to inculcate to young minds of students the catastrophic effect of this phenomenon if this growing problem continue in the next generation. Even in terms of political issues, the government, non - government/private institution were concerned about this issue. Mass media in forms of radio, television and newspaper widely discussed this environmental topic to inform the community regarding the disastrous product of pollution. Scientists keep on searching for a solution on this dilemma, they are keep on conducting research and experiment to cure this growing trouble. In this article I am going to discuss more on air pollution and the significance of Soil as filter of Air Pollution. When we discuss the topic Soil as Filter the common things that comes on our mind is Soil as Water Filter. But I am going to in troduce to you a new experiment that may shock the mind of scientists about Soil as Filter of Air pollution.
Why is it possible to use Soil as Filter of Air pollution?
1. Water filtering ability - The spaces between soil particle enable water to pass through but absorbs impurities in water making it safe drinkable liquid. Watch this video.
2. The carbon content of soil - Pre- historically speaking carbon is naturally absorber of contaminants, soil is rich in carbon from decayed plants and animals and this element ordinarily exist in nature.
3. earthworm/microscopic organism - organisms in soil are capable on converting soil pollutant into a usable compound like nitrogen fixing bacteria and fungi.
If soil can clearly filter water and remove its impuritie through different soil properties, I conclude that soil has the ability to filter air with different impurities like smoke of burning plastics, rubber, factory activities and even vehicle actions. If air can pass through in soil it will definitely absorb pollutants.

This one is absolutely helpful